Who is Reach Out for?
Reach Out is for young people who are at risk of exploitation and for those showing early or low level signs of dangerous risk taking behaviour. It is for young people aged 11-17 who live or are educated in Hertfordshire.
The aim of the programme is to prevent risks from escalating and help young people involved in higher-risk activities activities to minimise this behaviour. It provides them with support to make positive changes in their lives.
What support will young people receive?
Young people will receive one-to-one or groupwork support from a Youth Worker or Personal Adviser covering areas such as:
Emotional wellbeing
- Understand attitudes and beliefs and how they can improve emotional wellbeing
- Develop resilience
- Develop positive relationships
- Understand and set boundaries
- Interact with others
Making healthy lifestyle choices
- Understand risk
- Reflect on healthy sexual relationships and the impact of choices
Protective behaviours
- Understand what feeling safe is
- Recognise early warning signs
- Build a network of support
Planning for the future
- Set goals
- Plan for the future
A typical programme will consist of six individual sessions, followed by the opportunity to take part in group projects and discussions where this is felt to be appropriate.
How can young people access the Reach Out programme?
The programme is fully funded but places are limited. If you are a professional working with a young person, a parent/carer or a young person yourself, you can make a referral and we will call you back to tell you more about the programme and how to access it.
Alternatively please contact:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 0300 1237538
See what projects for young people are running in your area.
Young people who took part in the Reach Out programme said:
"I think the programme has really impacted on my life and has really helped me. It helped me improve on my self-esteem, behaviour and relationships with others. I can now manage my emotions better and my behaviour is better. I can now handle it."
"I feel these sessions have helped me with how to be confident in school and with the teachers and also made me stop and think before I do something. This hasn’t just helped while I’m in education it has helped when I’m at home and helped with starting new friendships."
"The one-to-ones have helped with being safe, friends, confidence and self-esteem – to not think badly about yourself. Don’t think everything around you is bad cause it’s not. I know who to hang around with and who’s fake."