We can help you to review what you currently provide for your students in order to ensure they have access to accurate information and a high-quality programme of careers education, work related learning and personal development.
We can support you in the following ways:
Information and resources support
Practical support to ensure resource areas contain impartial, accurate, and appropriate resources to meet student needs. Time can be used for:
- an overhaul of the information and resources in the school or college (which could include libraries, careers rooms, sixth form, VLE, websites etc.) plus a written report and recommendations for additional or replacement resources/websites suitable for the needs of the students
- support for making best use of careers related software and/or the SfYP website
Time needed varies depending on exact requirements. Typically, work consists of a visit lasting up to 1.5 hours to discuss and analyse the situation, plan tasks and agree timeframe. Tasks may be carried out during this visit or a return visit may be agreed. Research, follow up work and the report will take a minimum of 1.5 hours.
Careers curriculum support
Tailored to meet the needs of the school or college, to develop the careers, employability and enterprise curriculum which could be one or more of the following:
- reviewing career-related provision to map against latest best practice frameworks and identify any development needs for the careers and work related education programme or the staff delivering the programme.
- an induction into the support SfYP can provide for a new Careers Coordinator and other school staff
- a focus on developing a particular topic in the careers and work-related education curriculum or a key stage scheme of work identified as in need of development, including research and development of ideas and activities for career-related schemes of work
- in depth support in planning, reviewing and evaluating the careers and work related curriculum and policy in line with school or college requirements
- developing an evaluation and review process for careers and work related education
- support to help understand and meet the new provider access legislation (PAL)
Time required will vary depending on exact requirements. Work typically consists of a visit lasting up to an hour to discuss and analyse the situation, agree tasks and timescale with the remaining time working on agreed outcomes outside of school.
Inset support for school/college staff and governors
Bespoke to meet the school or college needs around topics related to careers and work-related education. This could include topics such as
- good websites for careers information
- ideas for careers and work-related education in tutor time
- ideas for careers and work-related education across the curriculum
- update on statutory duties for careers guidance
- preparing for Ofsted inspections of careers provision
- use of Link2+ for work experience
- preparing students to make subject choices
Typical timing for this would be half a day, which includes one hour of delivery plus related preparation time.
Professional development
Keeping up to date with careers and work-related learning is important for you to be able to support your students.
Information for careers leaders
Please visit the info for careers leaders page to access information about leading and coordinating careers and resources to support teaching careers.
Interested in finding out more?
To discuss your personalised package and costs, please contact us: