Gatsby Benchmark 2
"Every pupil and their parents/carers should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information."
Gatsby summary
- By 14 have all pupils accessed and used information about career paths?
- Have all pupils used labour market information to inform their own decisions on study options?
We will work with you face-to-face or virtually to provide:
- Group work including labour market changes and the world of work
- Information via careers fairs
- Information via parent and carers events/presentations
- A review of careers information and resources in school with suggestions for new items
- Training for staff on ideas for careers and work-related learning across the curriculum
- Advice on software and resources to include on careers area of school website
- Information about the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy and changes in opportunities, industries and working conditions.
Who benefits?
- Students in Years 7–13 in schools and colleges
Who should purchase these services?
- Careers leaders/coordinators
- Subject leads
- Resource Centre/Librarians
“I’ve learnt that some jobs are in decline and about the skills I will need for the jobs I want.” - Stevenage student
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To discuss your personalised package and costs, please contact us:
- [email protected]
- 0300 123 7538