Last week, Services for Young People (SfYP) hosted a conference for young people at the Pioneer Young People’s Centre in St Albans. More than 70 young people had the opportunity to meet Annie Brewster JP, the newly appointed High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, who attended and opened the event.
The theme of the conference was the LGBT+ community and attendees heard from four speakers, who shared their own experiences and personal journeys, encouraging young people to share their views about what matters to them. There was also a lively Q&A session, with the speakers answering a wide range of questions from the audience.
The event was a resounding success and the young people left inspired and motivated. The interactivity of the conference gave young people the opportunity to understand the importance of having their say and their voices being heard. They found out about opportunities to get involved in local SfYP youth councils and ways to represent their views nationally.
Feedback from attendees:
"The entire event was fantastic, I was captivated by the speakers' experiences."
"It was refreshing to hear from an older speaker, it sparked ideas about my own involvement."
"A heartfelt thank you for organizing such an exceptional evening, every moment was brilliant!"
Learn about ways SfYP helps young people to get their voice heard and find out more about our support for young LGBT+ people.