Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Services for Young People’s “helpful and motivating” Pathways to Success programme exceeds targets

28 December 2022

In 2022 Services for Young People exceeded its Pathways to Success programme’s target participation numbers for young people from ethnic minorities, young people with disabilities, and those who live in a single adult household.

Image of feet with arrows pointing in different directions

Pathways to Success is a Services for Young People programme involving tailored careers education activities for young people aged 16 to 24 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or who are in Year 11 or 12 and at risk of becoming NEET. The programme’s combination of careers education information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), work experience and employability training has been proven to enable sustained engagement in education, employment or training.

Listening to and acting on feedback from young people who took part in Pathways to Success in 2022

The Pathways to Success programme includes a robust evaluation process, and all participants are asked to complete an evaluation form at the end of the programme that summarises their experience and enables them to have their voice heard. These are some of the comments received in 2022:

“I liked the way that Pathways to Success was personalised and considered my own individual needs rather than being a generic programme. I enjoyed the way the PAs (Personal Advisers) listened to me and involved me in the workshops, rather than being spoken at.”

“The whole Pathway to Success programme has been so helpful and motivating… learning new skills, building upon skills I already had, and giving me more confidence when talking to others in a work environment.”

“The constant help and support… has enabled me to become more confident regarding employment and educational opportunities.”

“The most positive thing is the help I have been given, it has helped me grow my confidence and I have come out with a job.”

“I gained the confidence to progress my ambition to become a Vehicle Technician. I had no qualifications and low self-esteem, which meant I knew it would be difficult to compete with other applicants. The programme helped me get there.”

When we asked young people what improvements could be made, they commented:

“Keep in touch more regularly after the sessions”

“Longer sessions”

In response, we now offer further one-to-one support for up to six months after completion of the programme and have increased the length of the group sessions. We also signpost young people to more specialist services for further support where appropriate.

Equality, inclusion and environmental sustainability are strongly promoted in the delivery of the programme.

Equality and inclusion

Staff promote equality and inclusion by:

  • Targeting NEET and pre-NEET young people from disadvantaged groups
  • Providing information on national initiatives to support female involvement in science, technology and engineering (STEM) careers and in entrepreneurship
  • Raising awareness of childcare options to help accommodate career pathways
  • Producing accessible information for participants with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and helping employers make adaptations in their workplaces.

Environmental sustainability

Staff promote environmental sustainability by:

  • Continuing to deliver a successful, combined face-to-face and virtual programme of careers education activities for young people. This new hybrid approach was developed because of the pandemic and has resulted in a significant reduction in car use by staff.
  • Discontinuing printing of leaflets and explanatory information for participants. Staff use digital content unless a participant is unable to access this.
  • Making participants aware of sustainable transport options.
  • Sourcing environmental sustainability-related training programmes and employers to highlight these career pathways.

To see the full versions of our action plans and progress reports please email James Merrett.

Join or refer a young person to the SfYP Pathways to Success programme

Pathways to Success is part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).